About Elizabeth
Elizabeth Collins of Chicken Tracks Art Ranch is a self-taught full time studio potter and artist for over 18 years. She not only makes functional pottery such as dishes, face jugs, and baking wares but creates complex original sculptural artwork using clay and many natural elements.
"It all really started by going to the Yellow Daisy Festival from about the time I learned to walk… my Mom took me every year. I was always fascinated with ‘making things’ and delighted in the creativity of the artists. Art supplies were all around me and my Mom experimented fearlessly with all forms of art. Fast forward to my first year of
college: I was quite academic and had my eye set on being a doctor. I had a heavy load of math and science classes, and again my Mom guided me. "Why don’t you take an art class to enjoy?’ Great idea! I took a pottery class and it was the first time I ever thought of ‘artist’ as an occupation… and the last time I thought of being a doctor. My Mom has never been the same.”
Elizabeth served as the executive director of the nonprofit Madison Artists Guild from 2010-2015. She was instrumental in acquiring a storefront and establishing the MAGallery art co-op.From 2006-2016, she was the ceramics director, leading pottery sessions for summer camps for Camp Twin Lakes, a camp for kids and adults with special needs and illnesses.
She is currently enjoying her 13th year teaching art to students weekly in the Morgan County Alternative Education Program sponsored by the Madison Artists Guild. She became the lead teacher in 2014 and served as the Arts Outreach Coordinator for the Steffen Thomas Museum of Art from 2017-2019. Elizabeth was named ‘Best Artist’ in the 2018 Lake Oconee Living Reader’s Choice Awards.
Elizabeth finds inspiration especially in nature and in her many pets around the art ranch. She enjoys sharing the process of creating with others. “Art is for EVERYONE, and everyone is touched by art!”
Artist Statement
I live by the Yeats’ adage that “the world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow stronger.” Being an avid collector of interesting things and using clay as my primary medium, I create functional pottery as well as sculptural mixed media art. My passion for seeing art as endless possibility emerged from my childhood with my mom, who fearlessly experimented with art and spent much time outdoors teaching me about nature and the world around us. From evocative sculpted clay faces to calm-inducing, luminaries, my art is tangible homage to the magical and numinous.